This is the "Teachmaster" homepage. Teachmaster is a program that helps you learning new words/vocabulary more efficiently.
Teachmaster is a very versatile program for vocabulary learning which will certainly meet all your requirements.
Teachmaster consists of four modules: You edit your vocabulary files in the Editor section and learn with the Teaching program. You can convert other files to the Teachmaster format in the Converter section. Finally, there is the Quiz with which you can learn your vocabulary with the multiple-choice method.
The most important features of Teachmaster are:
Multilingual graphical user interface
Very simple, intuitive handling
Five different learning methods: Classical, Box, Random, Difficult, Patience
“Fuzziness options” in learning program
Analysis of learning success with tables and graphics
Support of TTF fonts: simplifies learning of languages with special characters (Russian, Czech, Greek …)
Lesson manager to organize your vocabulary
Colored tabular vocabulary overview with possibilty of selecting and exporting
Multiple Choice quiz
Voice output (you can add a WAV file to every entry)
Character table showing special characters of a font
Quick-Editor for quick editing of an entry
Importing individual sounds for correct/false answer
Backup possibility
Import: CSV, WinVok II, Teachmaster 1.5
Export: CSV, HTML
Teachmaster file format: XML
Version 4.3
Global settings (in program directory) and local settings (in user directory or program directory)
Directory for pronunciation files can be set with an absolute path